A new document is available to assist in instructional planning for students who are Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI)! The Instructional Planning Process [PDF] document may be used by school teams as they are working on individualized education programs (IEPs) for students. It is broken into five sections:

  • Student Information: Compile information about the student, including their grade, reading level, academic courses, extracurricular activities, community involvement, medical history, and assessment results.
  • Statements for Consideration: Assess whether the student has additional factors to consider, such as difficulty accessing the school curriculum, needing mental/emotional support, or needing to travel within the home, school, or community.
  • Prioritization of Instructional Needs: Use the expanded core curriculum categories to begin identifying and prioritizing instruction.
  • Assistive Technology: Consider questions related to potential assistive technology needs for the student.
  • Team Members and Implementation: Include all team members’ names and roles for implementing the plan.