Experiences in recreation and leisure help students who are BVI to discover extracurricular activities that they can enjoy throughout their lives. Intentionally exposing students to various physical, social, and leisure activities will help them make informed decisions about how to use their free time. Identifying barriers to access, providing appropriate adaptations for participation, and ensuring safety are important aspects of this ECC category.
MDE-LIO does not endorse the purchase or use of any non-State Board of Education-adopted commercial products. Products and services noted below are included for information only and their inclusion should not be interpreted as a recommendation of MDE-LIO.
United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA)
USABA serves as the national governing body for goalball, a sport designed for those who are BVI.
Michigan Blind Athletic Association (MBAA)
MBAA is a nonprofit organization that seeks to provide opportunities for individuals who are BVI to participate in competitive and recreational athletic activities.
Camp Tuhsmeheta
Operated by MDE-LIO, Camp Tuhsmeheta offers outdoor activities and events for students who are BVI. These opportunities encourage students to learn independent living skills and develop an appreciation for nature.