Class WMU UMass Boston UA UK
Introduction to Visual Impairment X X X X
Braille Code and Communication (I) X X X X
Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye X X X X
Assistive Technology for Visual Impairment X X X X
Instructional Strategies and Assessment for Students with Visual Impairment X X X X
Braille Code and Communication (II) X X X X
Methods of Teaching Students with Visual Impairment X X X X
Principles of Orientation and Mobility for Students with Visual Impairment X X X X
Implications of Low Vision X X    

A practicum component will be required. Both in-state and out-of-state options will be available with oversight of the supervision from the Michigan host university.

Course Names and Numbers

Introduction to Visual Impairment

  • WMU - BLS 6320 Teaching Children With Visual Impairments
  • UKY - BVI 580 Introduction to Visual Impairments
  • UMass Boston - VISN 602 Education of Students with Visual Impairments
  • UAZ – SERP 521 Introduction to Visual Impairments and Deaf-Blindness

Braille Code and Communication I

  • WMU - BLS 5910 Braille and Other Tactual Communication Systems
  • UKY - BVI 583 Braille Codes I UMass Boston - VISN 603 Braille I
  • UAZ – SERP 523A Braille I

Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye

  • WMU - BLS 5900 Physiology and Function of the Eye
  • UKY - BVI 582 Anatomy & Physiology of the Eye
  • UMass Boston – VISN 604 Visual Functioning
  • UAZ – SERP 520 Low Vision and Visual Functioning

Assistive Technology for Visual Impairment

  • WMU - BLS 5840 Computer Technology in Rehabilitation - on campus only
  • UKY – BVI 615 Assistive Technology for Students with Visual Impairments
  • UMass Boston - VISN 660 Intro to Assistive Technology for People with VI
  • UAZ –SERP 519B Assistive Technology for People with Visual Impairments

Instructional Strategies and Assessment for Students with Visual Impairment

  • WMU - BLS 5440 Educating Individuals with Severe Impairments
  • UKY – BVI 618 Assessment of Children with VI
  • UMass Boston - VISN 613 Assessment for VI and Additional Disabilities
  • UAZ – SERP 519C Advanced Low Vision Assessment and Instruction

Braille Code and Communication II

  • WMU - BLS 5912 Teaching Math & Specialty Code
  • UKY – BVI 614 Braille Codes II
  • UMass Boston VISN 610 Braille II
  • UAZ – SERP 523B Braille II

Methods of Teaching Students with Visual Impairment

  • WMU - BLS 5945 Itinerant and Effective School Collaboration
  • UKY – BVI 611 Methods for Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
  • UKY – BVI 617 Visual Impairment and Multiple Disabilities
  • UMass Boston - VISN 614 Instructional Strategies for VI and Additional Disabilities
  • UAZ – SERP 524 Methods of Teaching the Visually Impaired

Principles of Orientation and Mobility for Students with Visual Impairment

  • WMU - BLS 6080 ECC and Assessment for Children with Visual Impairments
  • UKY – BVI 616 ECC for Blind and Visually Impaired - on campus only
  • UMass Boston - VISN 612 Orientation and Mobility and Independent Living Skills
  • UAZ – SERP 522 Orientation and Mobility Foundation 8

Implications of Low Vision

  • WMU - BLS 5970 Principles of Low Vision – on campus only
  • WMU - BLS 6050 Practice in Low Vision – on campus only
  • UMass Boston - VISN 605 Implications of Low Vision


  • WMU - BLS 6955

Additional classes required for General Education Teachers:

Introduction to Special Education

  • WMU – SPED 5300

Introduction to Assessment in Special Education

  • WMU – SPED 5330

Application of Behavior Analysis in Special Education

  • WMU – SPED 6380