Social and emotional skills are usually learned through listening and communicating with others. Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) often lack ease of communication and natural opportunities for interacting with others, which are important for developing self-esteem. Students may also miss out on unplanned social-skill learning.

This area of the expanded core curriculum includes:

  • Self-Awareness (Personal Qualities)
  • Self-Management
  • Support Networks
  • Personal Responsibility
  • Decision Making
  • Social Awareness
  • Social Interaction, Including Conversation Skills
  • Conflict Resolution

(Source: The Expanded Core Curriculum for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing)


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Visual Language and Visual Learning: Raising the Whole Child [PDF]
This resource from Gallaudet University offers a research review on social-emotional development in children from birth to 12th grade, focusing on children who are DHH. The document includes recommendations for parents and educators.

Supporting Success for Children With Hearing Loss: Social Skills
This page provides information and resources for helping students develop appropriate social skills.