Independent living skills (ILS) are the abilities students need to manage their day-to-day tasks, such as eating skills, meal preparation, clothing care, household organization, personal grooming, and time and money management. Many of these skills occur naturally at home. It is critical to develop ongoing communication with school staff to ensure systematic instruction, frequent practice, and consistency in routines.


These documents help you track what students should be able to do at each grade level.

ILS Checklist

Use the ILS Checklist to document when a student is able to accomplish each skill.

ILS Guides

These guides outline what skills are appropriate by the end of each grade. The skills are included on the ILS Checklist.

ILS Modules

The ILS Modules were designed to help regional and local districts easily set up an ILS program to help children who are Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI) to learn the skills necessary for managing daily life. ILS is one component of the nine categories of the expanded core curriculum (ECC) and includes cooking, cleaning, dressing, hygiene, home maintenance, laundry, organization, and more. These skills are essential for students’ immediate use as well as use in the future as they go on to seek and maintain employment.

These easy-to-follow, downloadable ILS modules contain sample lessons, templates, checklists, and embedded trainings.

ILS Calendars

These calendars provide suggestions for practicing one ILS task each weekday. The tasks are to be completed at home, and the sheet may be returned to the student’s teacher at the end of each month.

Tips and Lessons

These resources explain how to teach different ILS.


Five-Minute ILS [PDF]
This MDE-LIO document lists ILS activities students can complete in five minutes or less. 

Video Clips on Blindness Tips
The Washington State School for the Blind hosts videos that show how to teach various skills.

Kitchen and Food
