Early childhood is well-documented as a critical period of learning. Infants and toddlers learn quickly when given appropriate care and support. Babies identified as Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) need additional support as they acquire language and develop literacy skills. Families and professionals may use the resources below as they navigate early childhood.
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DHH Resources
National Center for Hearing Assessment and Management (NCHAM)
NCHAM is a technical assistance and training center for implementing Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs.
- Importance of Early Communication and Communication Options provides information and links to resources that explain the importance of early communication and the various communication options for children who are DHH.
- A Practical Guide to the Use of Tele-Intervention in Providing Early Intervention Services to Infants and Toddlers Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing provides information for programs and individuals interested in using tele-intervention to provide family-centered early intervention to families of children who are DHH.
State and National Resources
Determination of Eligibility for Michigan Mandatory Special Education (MMSE) for Infants and Toddlers, Birth to Age Three, Deaf or Hard of Hearing Guidance [PDF]
This document helps promote the appropriate identification and qualification of infants and toddlers, aged birth to three, who are eligible for Michigan Mandatory Special Education (MMSE) in addition to being eligible for Early On® services. The document was made possible through a joint effort of the Michigan Department of Education (MDE) Office of Special Education, Office of Great Start/Office of Early Childhood Development and Family Education, and MDE-LIO.
Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center
The ECTA Center provides training and resources for distance learning options; funded by the United States Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
Early On Training and Technical Assistance (EOT&TA)
EOT&TA administers statewide and regional initiatives for early childhood providers, teachers, administrators, faculty, and families.
Early On Michigan
Early On is Michigan’s system for helping infants and toddlers, birth to age 3 and their families, who have developmental delays or at risk for delays due to certain health conditions. If you have concerns about the development of a child, you can submit an online Early On referral and will be connected to your local Early On office.
Division for Early Childhood (DEC)
DEC promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the development of young children who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities.