The resources and products on this page can assist professionals and parents of students who are Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI) as they navigate early childhood.
MDE-LIO does not endorse the purchase or use of any non-State Board of Education-adopted commercial products. Products and services noted below are included for information only and their inclusion should not be interpreted as a recommendation of MDE-LIO.
NMSBVI Programs: Family-Infant-Toddler Program
The New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NMSBVI) provides several resources for early childhood, including vision screening tools.
Boehm-3: Test of Basic Concepts, Third Edition, K-2
This tool measures 50 basic concepts relevant to school success. Results help identify students who may not have had the necessary learning experiences for developing an understanding of key concepts.
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development
This is a criterion-referenced assessment designed to identify the level of mastery a young child has achieved on selected skills. This information is important for planning a child’s individualized family service plan (IFSP) or individualized education program (IEP).
Oregon Project for Preschool Children who are BVI (OR Project)
The OR Project is a comprehensive assessment and curriculum designed for use with children birth to six who are Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI). It can be used by parents, teachers, vision specialists, or counselors in the home or in the classroom setting. Find it in our Resource Library in the "Preschool Early Childhood" category.
Tactile Treasures: Math and Language Concepts for Young Children with Visual Impairments
Tactile Treasures is an informal assessment and teaching tool for use with preschool through elementary children. It helps develop an early understanding of basic concepts and vocabulary that are prerequisites for reading and math.