LIVE with LIO: Jump into Summer
This is a recording of a LIVE with LIO webinar held on May 14, 2024. In the webinar, MDE-LIO consultants share summer 2024 opportunities at Camp T and around the state for students who are Blind/Visually Impaired.
Advocating for Accommodations: TA Perspective
In this video, learn how a teaching assistant (TA) can benefit students who are Blind/Visually Impaired.
Advocating for Accommodations: TVI Perspective
In this video, learn how a teacher for the visually impaired (TVI) helped a student advocate for accommodations.
Advocating for Accommodations: Student Perspective
In this video, learn how accommodations helped a student who is Blind/Visually Impaired to succeed in school.
2023 Michigan Regional Cane Quest
The 2023 Michigan Regional Cane Quest competition was held at Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester, Michigan, on October 15, 2023.
Orientation and Mobility 101: What is Mobility?
Orientation and mobility skills are important for white cane users. In this video, learn what "mobility" means in orientation and mobility.
Orientation and Mobility 101: What is Orientation?
Orientation and mobility skills are important for white cane users. In this video, learn what "orientation" means in orientation and mobility.
Orientation and Mobility 101: What is the Law?
Orientation and mobility skills are important for white cane users. In this video, learn how orientation and mobility (O&M) is legally defined.
LIVE with LIO: Using the New Severity Rating Scale
This is a recording of a LIVE with LIO webinar held on March 12, 2024. In the webinar, MDE-LIO consultants discuss the newly revamped Vision Services Severity Rating Scale (VSSRS). Learn how to effectively use this tool to determine service delivery for students who are Blind or Visually Impaired.
LIVE with LIO: Tips for Postsecondary Transition
This is a recording of a LIVE with LIO webinar held on November 14, 2023. In the webinar, MDE-LIO Consultant Pat Love and Michigan State University Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities Director Mike Hudson share vital tips for a successful postsecondary transition for students who are Blind or Visually Impaired.