Meeting 5: October 8, 2024
Welcome and introductions
Presentation by Danny McDougall and Bretagne Whitford, members of the Research Action Team:
Danny and Bretagne presented detailed information on their research findings related to four main areas of the law: language milestones, assessments, data tracking, and parent resources.
Opportunities were identified for collaborating with and supporting the tasks of other action teams as the work continues.
Presentation by the leaders of the following action teams:
Assessments – ASL
Assessments – English Action Team
Language Milestones – Joint Action Teams
Parent Resource – English
Parent Resource – Services & Programs
After each action team’s presentation, all attendees completed a SWOT analysis to provide feedback to each team. Team leaders will take this information back to their teams to inform their efforts as the work continues.
Throughout the day, attendees were invited to make note of leverage opportunities between action teams, as well as potential conflicts between action teams. This information will also be used to inform overall efforts going forward.
The day concluded with a brief brainstorming activity to identify potential future action teams.
Meeting 4: June 20, 2024
- Presentation by Gina Cooper, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Coordinator
- Gina Cooper shared information regarding the components and outcomes of the Michigan EDHI system.
- The group began an ongoing conversation to identify opportunities for collaboration between EHDI and the LEAD-K efforts.
- Presentation by Debra Belavek and Bretagne Whitford, members of the Research Action Team
- The Research Action Team was given the following tasks:
- Conduct a comprehensive review of the resource document compiled by MDE-LIO consultants.
- Explore the current assessments, data systems, and parent resources in other states with LEAD-K legislation in place.
- Update and expand the resource document, based on the results of research into other states.
- The team requested input from the group as they prepare to carry out the above tasks over the summer.
- Presentation by Leadership Team members Natalie Grupido, Freida Morrison, and Kristin O’Mara
- The Leadership Team summarized the vision statements, strategies, and potential challenges the group identified at the April meeting.
- The Leadership Team led a group discussion to further develop the group’s shared understanding of these topics.
- Discussion, small group work, and sharing around the following topics: Critical factors and perspectives regarding future action teams
Meeting 3: May 23, 2024
- Review and discuss the resource document compiled by MDE-LIO consultants. The resource document includes:
- Information on other states with LEAD-K legislation
- Potential language developmental milestones
- Potential parent resources
- Potential assessment tools
- Conversation with Dr. Julie Rems-Smario, co-coordinator of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) in California
- California is known as a state with a successful LEAD-K effort.
- The conversation allowed for exploration of what the committee members and invested partners can learn from the challenges and successes experienced in California.
- Discussion, small group work, and sharing around the following topics: LEAD-K efforts in other states, parent resources, language developmental milestones, assessment tools
Meeting 2: April 24, 2024
- Discussion of the individuals and groups who are involved in the work
- Public Act 256 mandates an advisory committee, including defined roles, to ensure the development of resources aligned with the requirements of the legislation. Members include advocates and professionals in the field of DHH education and parents of children who are DHH.
- A steering committee has also been created, including invested partners who bring a range of perspectives and expertise.
- A leadership team provides direction in managing this work.
- Action teams are small groups formed to complete specific tasks within a limited time period. Throughout the work of implementing the legislation, multiple action teams will come together to carry out their tasks and will then disband.
- Review of the legislative intent and the requirements of the legislation
- Small group activities and discussion to explore anticipated outcomes, vision for success, communication and marketing efforts, and invested partner perspectives
Meeting 1: February 27, 2024
- Overview of Public Act 256
- Implicit bias training provided by Gallaudet University
- As a newly formed group, it was important to start by building a sense of community and a foundation for the work.
- The training provided an opportunity for open communication around the biases that all people have.
- Fostering an atmosphere of trust and respect will help the group work together on the goals of the legislation, allowing them to focus on improving language acquisition and kindergarten readiness for young children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH).