Check-in: Friday, 5:30 p.m.
Check-out: Sunday, 10 a.m.
$5 per camper
Registration will open in March 2025.
Students from across the state who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) are invited to come together for a fun-filled two-night event. Students will have an opportunity to connect and learn from each other’s unique experiences while participating in traditional camp activities like swimming, fishing, canoeing, climbing the rock tower, conquering the challenge course, and building their archery skills. We will also play sports and games that will create lasting memories and friendships. Come rain or shine! Don’t miss out on this Camp Tuhsmeheta adventure!
This event is for students in Michigan who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) and are ages 10-17 when camp is held.
Required Camper Forms
In addition to registering, attendees are required to fill out a camper information form packet for this event. Please download and fill out the packet below, one for each individual in your group. Bring the completed packet with you to the event.
Accessibility Accommodations
To meet the safety and health needs of all camp participants, we require notification of any accessibility accommodation needs at least three weeks prior to the event. Due to the nature of activities provided at Camp T, additional staffing may be required to adjust activities for individual students. If notification is not provided in advance, this may result in alternative options for participation.
Cancellation Policy
Please email [email protected] as soon as possible if you need to cancel your registration. Please note: For events that require payment, MDE-LIO will issue refunds only for cancellations received no less than three business days prior to the event.