JAWS is a screen-reading software.

This course is designed for individuals who will be teaching a student with a visual impairment how to use Microsoft Excel 2010 using JAWS. Participants should be experienced with the basics of Microsoft Excel and using JAWS with Microsoft products.

Learn the Basics of Excel 2010 Using JAWS

  • Use access keys
  • Create and open workbooks
  • Create, navigate, read, and modify worksheets
  • Enter and edit data in a worksheet
  • Save worksheets and workbooks

Learn Instructional Strategies

You will receive Teaching Excel 2010 Using JAWS from DeWitt & Associates. This book provides a curriculum for teaching students and includes a CD with lesson plans, exercises, quizzes, and more. You will also receive tip sheets and handouts to enhance lesson plans.

The workshop will cover lesson plans 1-11 and 19 from the curriculum "Teaching Excel 2010 Using JAWS for Windows." Part 2 of this workshop series is currently being developed and will cover the remaining lesson plans of 12-18 and 20-21.

You will be added to the MDE-LIO technology listserv after completing the workshop. As a member of the listserv, you can connect with other professionals who have completed an MDE-LIO technology workshop. Use the listserv to share ideas, ask questions, or help answer someone else’s question about assistive technology. MDE-LIO also shares helpful tips and technology news in the field of blindness.