Camp Tuhsmeheta 2023 (Captions)
MDE-LIO manages Camp Tuhsmeheta, located in Greenville, Michigan. Learn about all that camp has to offer for students who are Blind/Visually Impaired or Deaf/Hard of Hearing. This recording includes captions.
Implementing a Co-Captain Leadership Style
Parent education series: In this video, learn about the benefits of implementing a co-captain leadership style to improve parent-school partnerships.
Practicing Active Listening Techniques
Parent education series: In this video, learn about the value of using active listening techniques to improve parent-school partnerships.
Developing a Team Player Attitude
Parent education series: In this video, learn how developing a team player attitude can benefit your students.
Webinar Recording: New LMS
Watch this webinar recording to learn more about MDE-LIO's new library management system (LMS), which launched in December 2022.
Color Vision Assessment
Learn how to use isochromatic plates to assess a student's vision for color deficiency.
Convergence Assessment
Learn how to test if your student's eyes are converging properly.
LEA Vision Assessment
Learn how to use the LEA vision chart to test a student's vision.
Confrontational Fields Assessment
Learn how to conduct a functional peripheral field test.
Cone Adaptation Assessment
Learn to test how quickly a student's vision adapts from light to dark.