Catch the Cow (Paid)
by: Computerade
Subject ILS, Leisure/Recreation, POHI/CI, Visual Skills Accessibility Feature Magnification, Switch Platform iOS, Website Age Range Elementary, Preschool, Secondary Catch the Cow helps individuals with physical disabilities learn to select pictures using a scanning device. Catch the Cow provides a large on-screen button for selecting items. Users may choose to use an external switch that is compatible with the Apple Bluetooth wireless keyboard.
https://www.computerade.com/catchthecow/CTCuserguide.html -
Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box (Paid)
by: Cognable
Subject POHI/CI Accessibility Feature Magnification, VoiceOver/Screen Reader Platform iOS Age Range Elementary, Preschool, Secondary, Teachers Cause and Effect Sensory Light Box was created for a group of teenagers with complex needs including visual impairment, autism, and varied developmental disabilities. Light Box has also become a popular choice for parents of babies and young toddlers.
Cause and Effect Sensory Sound Box (Paid)
by: Cognable
Subject POHI/CI Accessibility Feature Magnification Platform iOS Age Range Elementary, Preschool Cause and Effect Sensory Sound Box is a developmental touch skills app. It was made for children with complex learning needs, including autism and visual impairment.
Chicktionary (Free)
by: Ludomade
Subject Reading, Writing Accessibility Feature Magnification Platform Website Age Range Elementary Three brain teasing game modes await you. Journey through a spelling adventure, race the clock in Quick Play, or try a Classic challenge.
http://www.chicktionary.com/ -
Chieko Asakawa: How New Technology Helps Blind People Explore the World (Free)
by: TED
Subject Community of Practice, ILS, Leisure/Recreation Accessibility Feature Magnification, VoiceOver/Screen Reader Platform Website Age Range Secondary, Teachers Inventor and IBM Fellow Chieko Asakawa has been Blind since she was 14. In this TED talk, Asakawa shows new technology that is helping people who are Blind/Visually Impaired (BVI) explore the world more independently. Asakawa explains how accessibility has ignited innovation for people who are BVI. She also shares ways for people who are BVI to access digital technology.